1) The committee consists of a group of esteemed members from the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics (PCSP). These individuals have successfully obtained certification and maintained an active fellowship status awarded by the American Board of Prosthodontics (ABP). They volunteer to render advice on various aspects of board preparation for exam candidates via emails and/or phone discussions.
2) The mentorship program creates an opportunity for regional graduate program residents and motivated prosthodontic colleagues to get to know the Society members during the arduous exam preparation process.
Currently, we are inviting participation of the mentorship program to individuals who are:
PCSP Membership Region includes:
United States: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Canada: British Columbia and Alberta.
Please select one mentor from the list and email him/her accordingly to express your interest for mentorship. Good luck on your exam preparation!
ABC Committee Mentors:
Amy Au (Greater San Francisco Bay Area)
Sections A, B, C
Don Curtis (Greater San Francisco Bay Area) - Past Board Examiner
All sections, all parts
David Pfeiffer (Greater San Francisco Bay Area) - UCSF Mock Board Examiner
Section B - All Parts (no maxillofacial)
Andrea Jordan (Greater San Francisco Bay Area)
Section B all parts
Section C
Brian Kucey (Edmonton, Canada)
Section C
Section D
Howard Landesman (Greater Los Angeles) - Past Board Examiner, Life Member
Section A- classic lit
Section B- All Parts
Section C- All Parts
Section D- Parts 2 & 3.
Steve Parel (Dallas) - Past Board Examiner, Honorary Member
Section B and D
Steven Sadowsky (Greater San Francisco Bay Area) - UCSF Mock Board Examiner, ACP Annual Prosthodontic Review Course Director
Section B - all parts
Bob Simon (Greater Los Angeles) - Life Member
Section B all parts
Section D - patient presentation
Amerian Sones (Dallas)
Section B all parts
Ting Ling Chang (Greater Los Angeles)
Section B all parts
Alireza Moshaverinia (Greater Los Angeles)
Ward Noble - (Greater San Francisco Bay Area) - Life Member
Section B Part 3
Larry Over (Eugene, Oregon)
Sections A, B, C
Charles Goodacre (Greater Los Angeles, San Bernardino)
All Section B Parts
Jacinthe Paquette (Greater Los Angeles, Orange County)
Section C