The 2019 Distinguished Life Member Award was presented to Dr. Curtis L Barmby
by PCSP President David Guichet during our last in-person meeting, pre- COVID
shutdown, at the Silverado Country Club in Napa, California. Unbeknownst to
Curt, his wife Gail had arranged for their sons and two grandsons to be present in
the audience for that wonderful honor.
Dr. Barmby received his DDS from the UCSF School of Dentistry in 1971. During
eight years of General Family Dental Practice, he was an enthusiastic participant
in study club continuing education that led him to the West LA VA Wadsworth
Medical Center where he was admitted to the Specialty Education Residency in
Prosthodontics and where he received a Certificate in Fixed Prosthodontics in
1981. Even more importantly during that time, he met his future partner in life as
well as in business: Dr. Gail E. Frick DMD, who was the first woman admitted to
the UCLA Graduate Prosthodontic Residency program.
Married in 1982, Curt and Gail had joined the Restorative Dentistry and Oro-Facial
Pain practice of Dr. Charles McNeill of Walnut Creek, CA. Dr. Chuck McNeill had
been one of the important mentors in Curt’s career who had inspired him to
pursue more advanced training. Curt became a Diplomate of the American Board
of Prosthodontics in 1987, and was the PCSP President for 2000-2001 .
With Chuck’s retirement from private clinical practice in 1986 to head the Oro-
facial Pain Clinic at UCSF, Curt and Gail continued to build that practice for the
next forty years until their own transition and retirement in May of 2021.
Curt and Gail are Assistant Clinical Professors in the Department of Preventive
and Restorative Dentistry at UOP. Balancing their love for their profession with
their love for family, they are blessed with the proximity of their two grandsons
Frankie and Charlie which they care for at least once per week.
Curt and Gail’s retirement interests include caring for and entertaining in their
Walnut Creek home and gardens which they share with the abundant wildlife of
Contra Costa County including bobcats, wild turkeys, coyotes and birds-of-prey;
their volunteerism to benefit Veterans and others whose dental care is under-served; Gail’s Garden Club , Francisca Club and Junior League friends several of whom she has known since high school. Curt continues his life-long interest in all of the shooting sports where as an NRA Certified Instructor he coaches friends and family in all disciplines including Home Firearm Safety. In addition, Curt continues his pursuit since age 15 of guitar fretboard literacy in the hopes of joining an “old guys” rock band in the near future.