June 19, 2024 - 12:00 PM PDT, June 22, 2024
The Monterey Bay Dental Society invites you to attend our Annual Meeting at the Monterey Marriott and Monterey Conference Center, Monterey, CA USA in conjunction with the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics
We would like to thank you for your contribution to this years' Annual Meeting and any years prior.
The partnership between your company and Monterey Bay Dental Society is a sign of your commitment for which we are extremely grateful. We want to learn your expectations and meet those moving forward in future years.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
07:00 AM—08:00 AM
Breakfast in the Steinbeck 1 Exhibit area
08:00 AM—01:00 PM
Scientific Session
10:20 AM—11:10 AM
Coffee and networking break in the Tabletop Exhibit area
Registration will open March 1st 2024.
Should you require any further assistance you may contact RES Management, Nicole Bengtsson nicole@res-inc.com or Dr. Lambert Stumpel, Chair - PCSP Professional Relation Committee for sponsor registration details. lstumpel@gmail.com
The dress code for the Scientific Sessions is business attire.